Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on violence exposure and alcohol use among adults who drink alcohol PLOS ONE

alcoholics and anger

The ultimate goal is to help them get into a treatment program that addresses their substance abuse and the way it causes them to behave. But this is often easier said than done, and mean drunks can turn violent when provoked — meaning that if you share a living space with one, your safety should be your main priority. Many people with “angry drunk” tendencies also end up on the wrong side of law. The lack of inhibitions that causes them to lose their temper can lead to bar fights, road rage, impulsive violence (even against friends and loved ones) and other events that may cost them a night in jail or worse. People known to have anger outbursts on alcohol can end up destroying relationships. Even the people who care about them the most can be unable or unwilling to continue to tolerate the abuse.

Specialty Programs

Alcoholic Rage Syndrome, also known as alcohol-induced aggression or alcoholic anger, is a distressing condition that plays a role in answering the question, why are alcoholics so mean? Alcoholic anger is characterized by intense outbursts of anger and hostility resulting from alcohol consumption. This syndrome encompasses a range of aggressive behaviors, including verbal and physical aggression, impulsivity, and irritability.

Is Alcoholism Genetic, Inherited, Or Hereditary?

People with higher levels of testosterone are more likely to be aggressive. Lack of impulse control can make someone fly into a fit of rage or become aggressive rapidly. Mood stabilizers can help regulate emotional fluctuations, while withdrawal management medications assist in managing alcohol cravings and withdrawal symptoms, facilitating a smoother transition toward sobriety. Offering reassurance and support can help alleviate alcoholics and anger feelings of distress and frustration.

Dealing with Being Angry While Sober

When the two are present together, a person is highly likely to become involved in something they wouldn’t otherwise do and might regret later. A person is less likely to hold themselves back (in emotions or behaviour) under the influence. If normally you might suppress your emotions in a situation, alcohol can make you more dramatic. Using a personality questionnaire, an aggression scale, and alcohol use and history assessments, researchers compared 156 people without the gene with 14 people who have it. Researchers were studying people in the Finnish population, of which more than 100,000 people have the genetic variation. Researchers found that participants who were less inclined to think about the future were more inclined to deliver shocks longer and harder, but especially if they were drunk.

alcoholics and anger


Additionally, it’s common for people to self-medicate with alcohol, thinking that drinking will numb those feelings or allow them to forget – if only for one evening. The mood someone is in when they begin drinking is often the mood that will be intensely felt once they’ve reached a level of intoxication. That, paired with the way people make decisions when they’re drinking, is often a recipe for disaster. If a health professional has diagnosed you with anger management problems, you may find these get worse when you drink. Alongside quitting alcohol, you could benefit from attending an anger management support group. Typically, support groups have professional leaders, like social workers or psychologists, so you can ensure you’re getting expert advice.

SMART Recovery vs. A.A. – Is One Better?

alcoholics and anger

Where anger is an ongoing issue, drinking becomes more and more of a go-to coping technique. This can not only worsen pre-existing problems but also lead to dependency and addiction. Having a short temper also means it is easier to ruin relationships by getting angry over petty things or taking out your stress on a loved one. If this sounds familiar, you may wish to involve your family in your therapy as well. They are probably dealing with their own negative emotions about your behaviour.

alcoholics and anger

Meditation can help clients to relax physical tension, become more self-aware, and work toward creating a healthy mind-body balance. Other holistic methods Alcoholics Anonymous are often used during a comprehensive addiction and anger management treatment program as adjunctive, or complementary, treatment methods. Massage therapy can help to relieve physical tension and therefore promote mental clarity.

  • They struggle with the idea that their alcoholic lifestyle was more exciting than their new one.
  • It means learning how to approach your anger in a way that serves you and your recovery.
  • While verbal outbursts can be distressing, they may not necessarily escalate to physical violence.
  • After detox, individuals suffering from co-occurring disorders often proceed directly into a residential treatment program where structured around-the-clock programming can help to manage both disorders.

alcoholics and anger

In assessing the level of risk, it’s essential to differentiate between verbal expressions of anger and potential physical aggression. Moreover, alcohol alters the delicate balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. It enhances the effects of GABA, the brain’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, which typically has a calming effect. However, it also reduces the activity of glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter.